
首爾 Wade 核死丘 翁滋蔓 周杰倫 

1.好日子︰good days; happy life2.潤月︰an intercalary month in the lunar calendar3.農曆︰the lunar calendar; a Chinese calendar4.新曆︰Gregorian calendar5.舊曆︰the lunar calendar6.金鐘︰Admiralty7.紅棉路婚姻註冊註︰Cotton tree drive Marriage Registry8.環境優美︰Beautiful environment9.園景適合拍照︰Landscape for camera10.英國殖民地統治︰British colonial rule11.香港特別行政區政府︰Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government12.英女皇掛畫︰Queen paintings13.洋紫荊圖案︰Bauhinia14.代表︰to stand for; to represent15.露宿街頭︰Sleeping on the streets16.通宵排長龍︰Queuing overnight17.取(好)籌去登記註冊︰To obtain tickets to register18.喻意吉祥︰according to one's wishes and lucky19.好意頭︰a good portent20.夫妻和睦︰a couple in harmony21.珍惜對方︰Cherish each other22.美滿婚姻生活︰Marriage enrichment23.人生中的傻事︰Life foolish24.有意義︰meaningful25.新娘︰ a bride or newly-wedded woman26.新郎︰ a bridegroom27.伴娘︰a maid of honor 28.伴郎︰a best man at wedding29.姊妹(結婚的)︰ a bridesmaid30.兄弟︰brothers31.倒茶比父母︰To their parents a cup of tea32.?瓜子在地上︰. to throw some watermelon seeds on the floor33.出門︰to leave home34.三朝回門︰to return home after three days35.過大禮︰A wedding present36.婚車︰Marital car37.跪地倒茶︰Kneeling low with a cup of tea38.婚紗︰ a bridal veil39.化妝師︰Makeup artist40.幸福︰well-being; happiness; bliss



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